2020. máj 29.

Frying in a Part of a Disc Harrow

írta: George Budapest
Frying in a Part of a Disc Harrow


No, I am not crazy! This is a relatively new type of the open-air cooking in Hungary. And we enjoy it. (Photographs: Kerékgyártó György) 

In a previous post I wrote about the ’bogrács’. There are many other types of the open-air cooking in Hungary, either of them is frying in a disc of a Harrow.


You do not need charcoal, you can use branches and twigs from the garden

But how and why does anybody find a this kind of cooking out? Originally it was really a harrow disc, what people used. I think, somebeody suprised, it is very easy to warm it, and it has a round shape, that’s why it is fit to be a dish. Think it over! It is a little bit similar to the wok.


Putting the disc on the fire 


This is the best pork. Do you know the 'mangalica'? Try it! We pickled it with honey and mustard

Nowdays we do not use real harrow disks, we buy them in the supermarket. The most important differences between the ’bogrács’ and the disc: we use the ’bogrács’ for boiling, but we use the disc for frying. Hungarians like the olive oil, too, but we do not put it in the disc, becouse the smoking point of it is low. I say, the best is the sunflower oil.

 To fry in a disc is a great fun!


And this is on the plate: deep fried mangalica neck with my mom's Russian and beet salad


Szólj hozzá

Hungarian gastronomy disc harrow open-air cooking