Buda + Pest + Dishtory

Times, tables, tales

2020. máj 22.

Mickey D’s in Hungarian

írta: George Budapest
Mickey D’s in Hungarian

Today it is very simple to find a fast food restaurant in Budapest. In the past it was not the same. For example, the opening of the McDonald’s in the city in the last years of the communism was a real sensation. (1988, photograph: fortepan.hu)  

Tovább Szólj hozzá

Budapest McDonalds Hungarian gastronomy Hungarian communism

2020. máj 20.

Puskás in the Pub

írta: George Budapest
Puskás in the Pub

Yes,’fröccs’ is an alcoholic beverage, it is very popular in Hungary again. And who do you think was one of the greatest fans of this special mix of wine and soda water? You would not think, Ferenc Puskás, the champion. (Photograph: Puskás, 1949 by fortepan.hu)  

Tovább Szólj hozzá

wine fröccs football soccer Budapest Puskás Hungarian communism

2020. máj 19.

Bogrács – the Hungarian Cauldron

írta: George Budapest
Bogrács – the Hungarian Cauldron

Everybody like grilling in all over the world, but the Hungarians like standing around a cauldron for hours better. Why? I tell you. (Painting: Bogrács by Mihály Munkácsy, 1864; reproduction: Wikipedia)

Tovább Szólj hozzá

bogrács cauldron Hungarian cuisine Hungarian gastronomy Hungarian culinary herders open-air cooking Hungarian communism

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